CM – Site Surveying Level Book (Collimation Method)
Complete with Rules of Booking and Checks of Levels

Size 190 mm x 120 mm Landscape/Portrait
External surface of book is water resistant 
Instructions/reminder notes inside front and rear covers


RFM – Site Surveying Level Book (Rise & Fall Method)
Complete with Rules of Booking and Checks of Levels

Size 190 mm x 120 mm Landscape/Portrait
External surface of book is water resistant 
Instructions/reminder notes inside front and rear covers


TTS - Site Surveying Theodolite Total Station Book
Complete with instructions

Size 190 mm x 120 mm Landscape/Portrait
External surface of book is water resistant 
Instructions/reminder notes inside front and rear covers


CB - Site Surveying Chain Book
Complete with instructions and rules of booking

Size 190 mm x 120 mm Landscape/Portrait
External surface of book is water resistant 
Instructions/reminder notes inside front and rear covers


Module 1 - Introduction to Land Surveying

Types of surveying – Geodetic, topographical, engineering etc.
Units and scales
Basic surveying procedure
Introduction to errors

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 2 - Map Projection and Ordnance Survey

Types of map projection
OS and National Grids
Questions on map co-ordinates and referencing

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 3 - Linear and Chain Surveying

Methods of working and booking

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 4 - Levelling

Principals of levelling
Level set-up
Rise and Fall method booking and checks with examples and questions
Collimation method booking and checks with examples and questions
Inverted readings
Instrument calibration checks

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 5 - Contouring

Guide to different methods of contouring
Examples and questions

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 6 - The Theodolite and Angle Measurement

Equipment parts, use and set-up
Measurement and booking of angles
Errors and Instrument calibration checks

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 7 - Traverse Surveys

Open and closed traverses
Whole circle bearing, partial and total co-ordinate calculation
Correction of closing error by Bowditch Method
Plotting the traverse

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 8 - Circular Curves

Calculation of angles and chords required for setting out using a theodolite and a tape. 
Worked example and questions

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 9 - Setting Out on Site

Location, horizontal and vertical control methods
Avoidance of errors
Setting out using a total station

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder


Module 10 - The Total Station, Data Logging and Downloading to Computer

Principals of Electro-Magnetic Distance measurement (EDM)
Uses of the Total Station
Instrument calibration checks

Module is A4 in size with 160 gm yellow back and front covers, stapled and punched with 2 holes ready for use in a ring binder
Land and Site Surveying Lecture Notes
Module 1 – Introduction to Land Surveying
Module 2 – Map Projection and Ordnance Survey
Module 3 – Linear and Chain Surveying
Module 4 – Levelling
Module 5 – Contouring
Module 6 – The Theodolite and Angle Measurement
Module 7 – Traverse Surveying
Module 8 – Circular Curves
Module 9 – Setting Out on Site
Module10 – The Total Station, Data logging and Downloading to Computer

This includes all the content found under each Module above. 
This book is A4 in size, spiral bound and has glossy covers back and front.
lecture notes
